Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills Parents as Translators When a young child falls down and hurts him or herself, many parents naturally reach out and console the child with a hug and soothing... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Temperaments, Toddlers Toddlers and Strong Emotions — Hitting, Biting, Pushing, Yelling: How to Handle Our Little Neanderthals I recently got a great question from a member of our parent community about her toddler. Has something like this ever happened to you?... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills Why Does My Child Want to Control Everything? Bossy behaviors appear as children begin to explore power in a social context with peers and within the parent-child relationship. The... Continue Reading
Bullying Prevention, Discipline & Behavior, School Challenges, Toddlers Bullying in Preschool? The preschool years are foundational for children’s social and emotional development—a time when children’s social... Continue Reading
Bullying Prevention, Discipline & Behavior, Raising Girls You Can’t Come to My Birthday Party! and Other Explorations of Girl* Power Girls explore power through relationships, beginning in the older preschool years. New friendships blossom during this time through... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills This Just In: “Negative Parenting” linked to Misbehavior! In other breaking news, plants and humans need oxygen, water and sunlight to survive. Did we really need a report from the UK Government... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Raising Boys, Raising Girls When Your Children Lie: How Parents Can Teach Truthfulness Raising children to be honest, ethical, and responsible is as important as raising them to master reading, writing, and arithmetic.... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Raising Boys The Energy and Enthusiasm of Preschool Boys! Boy play is noisy, boisterous, physical, aggressive, and spontaneous in nature. Dads** understand this play and may intuitively provide... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Temperaments The Struggle for Control: Who’s in Charge Here? Do you have a master negotiator at home—a child who likes to control every conversation and/or changes the rules to suit his needs? If... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, School Challenges, Toddlers PAMP interviews Parents Place about tantrums “Ask the Expert” Question and Answer: Article for PAMP 08-12 Question: Our 3-year-old just started preschool this week. His teachers... Continue Reading