The Do’s and Don’ts of Toddler Discipline
By Tom Limbert, M.A, author, parent coach, and workshop leader at Parents Place When it comes to raising toddlers, Dana Carvey once quipped, “They’re not so bad, just keep M&M’s in your pocket and feed ’em here and there.” If only it were so...
Weathering the Storms of Adolescence: To Hold on or Let Go?
During the storms of adolescence it’s a tricky balance for parents to know when to offer support and when to let go. We all want our young adults to be prepared for life, and not be stifled by a “failure to launch” into adulthood. So what’s the best way to...
May is the New December: How to Get to Summer With Your Sanity Intact
Does your family have spring fever? You know the symptoms—lax lunches, half-hearted homework checks, award-ceremony overdose and field-trip fatigue. Fear not: Summer is on its way. Here are 6 tips to help your family reach the end of the school year with greater ease....
5 Ways to Help Your Child Silence Their Inner Critic
“I’ll fail the test!” “Nobody likes me!” It’s not uncommon to hear your child utter self-critical statements like these from time to time. “We all have our inner monologues. But children, more so than adults, tend to overgeneralize, and talk themselves out...
How to Create Connection with Your Kids Every Day
We’ve been hearing more and more about how tech giants like Facebook and Google are getting pressure to make their products less addictive, and come to terms with the growing research on mental health consequences of using technology—for both kids and adults...
It’s Time to Plan for Summer Camps! 6 Lessons Learned from a Summer Camp Veteran
For all of you parents who need to figure out what your children will be doing when school is out in June, here is some wisdom about scheduling summer camps from Parents Place’s Community Outreach Coordinator, Elina Koretsky. Lesson #1: Register for the most...
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Can you please talk, not text? Parenting the Instagram generation
The Christian Science Monitor by Michael B. Farrell and Jessica Mendoza Can kids be encouraged to let go of the virtual world — occasionally — and engage in the real one? Can they stop posting selfies long enough to think of someone else? The answer is yes. But there...